Sapiens is a digital magazine whose mission is to bring anthropology to the public. It has a pop-up window that asks you whether you are ‘a human’ and would like to subscribe, otherwise you are ‘not a human’. I found it funny and witty, but also odd.
What is Psycholinguistics?
Psycholinguistics is the study of connecting psychological aspects with language and speech, sometimes referred to as the psychology of language. In more depth and biological terms, psycholinguistics is the ability of an individual to use and understand language and its relation to the neurological system. With more research happening in the field of cognitive science, […]
What is Sociolinguistics?
Linguistics is the study of language; how it functions and how it influences human interaction. There are several different branches of linguistics, but in this article, we will discuss the branch of linguistics known as sociolinguistics. Read on more to find out what it is. An introduction to Sociolinguistics Sociolinguistics is a branch of both […]
What is a Single Blind Peer Review?
In a previous article, we have discussed the main types of peer review methodologies available to academic researchers who look to get their work published. The appropriateness of the methodology is often decided on behalf of authors and reviewers by the publishing journal. In this short blog post, we will discuss the single-blind peer review […]
What is a Double-Blind Review?
In a previous article, we have already introduced and discussed the concept of the single-blind peer review. In this article, we are going to look at a variation of this – the double- blind peer review – and discuss the pros and cons of this methodology. We will also directly compare the single-blind to double-blind […]
What is a Non-Peer Review?
There are many types of peer review methodologies, including open peer reviews and closed peer reviews. In this article, we are going to discuss what a non-peer review is, and how it differs from some of the more commonly used peer review methods. What is a non-peer review? A non-peer review is exactly what you […]